Bumper Horse Race

A bumper horse race, often simply referred to as a “bumper,” is a type of horse race that is run under National Hunt racing rules. National Hunt racing is a form of horse racing that involves obstacles, such as hurdles and steeplechase fences, in contrast to flat racing, where horses run on a flat track without obstacles.

A bumper race is unique in the sense that it is a flat race for National Hunt horses. In other words, it’s a race where National Hunt horses, which are typically trained for jumping over obstacles, compete on a flat track without any hurdles or fences. Bumper races are also known as National Hunt flat races.

These races are often used to introduce young National Hunt horses to the racing environment and to give them racecourse experience before they begin competing in hurdle or steeplechase races. Bumper races can vary in distance, but they are typically run over longer distances than typical flat races, and they are a popular feature at National Hunt meetings, providing entertainment for both spectators and those involved in the horse racing industry.